Air Canada announces temporary suspension of air service effective Jan.18 2021

To:  All our valued Customers,

Air Canada has announced a temporary suspension of air service into YPR, effective Jan.18, 2021.

Due to the continuing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, demand for air travel has plummeted and this has been reflected in the cancelation of air service to many communities across Canada. YPR has not been immune to these elements.

The suspension of air service will levee significant hardship for all the communities served by YPR.  The Airport Authority and City leaders have all expressed dismay at this turn of events and will lobby government officials to take immediate action and provide relief to the industry.

While the future is uncertain as to when, as a society, we can return to normal, we are all committed to the return of full air service to YPR.  We are confident that YPR will regain our market and provide reliable, safe travel for our communities.  Air Canada has indicated a resumption of service will likely occur in April and we will keep everyone apprised of our progress as we move forward.

We appreciate your patronage, and we look forward to a brighter, robust future, when we can welcome our customers back again.

Stay safe, stay healthy.


Rick Leach

Airport Manager- YPR